Joel Peterson – Helps You Find Instant Profitable Niches to Create Websites For (By Luthando)

Joel Peterson is the creator of the mini-site formula. He does not promise you instant fortunes online nor does he say you can become a millionaire online tomorrow so if your looking for that best go else where. His idea is to create an online business that can earn you regular income each month. The mini-site formula is designed for you to make hundreds of small niche affiliate websites each earning you a few dollars every day.

Not making much money online? You may think that it is not enough money for you to even bother to look at, but do the maths for the whole month then multiply this by however many websites you want to create, the total amount can be very interesting.

His idea is to build lots of these mini-sites very quickly no time is wasted, when you get experienced at making these websites you should be able to create one in about 30 minutes. You can even outsource all of the tasks so that you can create even more of these mini websites all over the internet on all kinds of subjects.

The formula shows in detail all the processes necessary to build, upload onto the web and goes through how to promote the websites to get as many people clicking through to your web pages. Joel incorporates tools into the mini-site formula that speed up the creation of the web pages for your site.

Not sure on what to create a site on Joel shows you ways of finding profitable niches where there is little competition so that you can show up high in the all the different search engines results out on the web. There are tools that help you with the content for your pages, every step shown in detail of how to use these time saving tools.

The best part of the system is that no experience is necessary, the course is made up of written material together with videos so you can easily follow Joel Peterson as he shows you the steps to take at every point. As he says the most difficult part is building the first mini-site from then on it gets easier every time you build a site.


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