How to Power Boost the Law of Attraction With EFT-Matrix Reimprinting (By Luthando)

EFT-Matrix Reimprinting guarantees amazing results with the Law of Attraction because it imprints empowering messages and memories in your brain, heart and at cellular level after first deleting negative, disempowering beliefs and counter-intentions.

After more than a decade of personal research to transform my own life and that of my clients, I can say why Matrix Reimprinting using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) works most effectively in helping you to break free fast to live the life you love as promised by the Law of Attraction.

When we have early-life traumas running in our subconscious or energy field, a younger part of us becomes split off and frozen at the time of the trauma – while the fearful negative beliefs taken on board continue to sabotage our attempts to apply the Law of Attraction on issues of self-worth, relationships, happiness and health. In Matrix Reimprinting we call this the ECHO or Energy Consciousness Hologram.

EFT-Matrix Reimprinting can turn all that around – in a single 60-minute session!

When I first discovered the Law of Attraction teachings of Abraham-Hicks and applied them to my own life, I wondered why they only worked some of the time. Mainly I wanted a happy life with joy and ease when it came to men, money and making a living.

But instead I was stuck in a miserable 25-year marriage; financially broke and frustrated with my career as a freelance journalist. Plus I was 50 years old and wondered if it was “too late” to have a happy life as promised by the Law of Attraction.

If any of this applies to you – take heart! You can benefit from the decade I spent using myself as a guinea pig. Here is what works (and I say this from the heart because today I lead my dream life married to my soul mate doing the work I love):

1. Begin by making a decision that you will do whatever it takes to break free.

2. Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and on the left side write what you DON’T WANT and on the right WHAT YOU DO WANT.

3. Start small – appreciate what you already have and then expand this in baby steps.

4. Find like-minded companions and mentors who make you “feel good” and ditch people who leave you feeling jaded or miserable.

5. Read and listen to uplifting and inspiring songs, books and mp3s.

6. Consider having one EFT-Matrix Reimprinting session to release your biggest blocks and reimprint new empowering messages on your mind, heart and body which in turn will resonate and attract the results you desire in your life.

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Powerful truths often are! I challenge you to pick one thing you want to accomplish right now and go for it using this proven way of kick-starting the Law of Attraction.


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