Limitations Of Management Information Systems (By Luthando)

A Management Information System (MIS) is a precious technology that organizations use to measure the efficiency of their business operations as well as performance of their employees. The MIS endows with thorough insight of a company and supports management for making decisive business decisions. Though the MIS provides big number of advantages, but yet it also comes with a few limitations. In this article, we will be focusing on that part of management information system.

This is the very significant area of management information system and it should be well secured. All the important as well as the secret data are there stored in an MIS and which is not supposed to seen by anyone outside the company or anyone who is not authorized to do so. However, it happens sometimes and the important data gets seep out of the organization. It affects the company a lot in business and hence the companies should focus more on this security part. Let’s discuss a few ways how the security of an MIS can be broken.

Hackers: At present, a number of people who have excellent IT knowledge hack this kind of system, maybe for money or for some other purposes.

Ex- employees: In some cases, it has been seen that the account of employees are active in MIS site even after they got out from there. Sometimes, these accounts can be used for some negative purposes.

Virus: While the employees of any organization use this system, they should make sure that their operating device or computer is virus free. If the device has dangerous viruses then these can be a concern for the security of the MIS.

All the data are stored in a particular server, which is also known as the hosting server. The upload time of any server cannot be 100%. It may be 90% or 99%. But, never can be the fullest. So, the site can be down for anytime. Hence, this is another limitation for management information system.

Same as server, Internet is also a part where MIS has to be dependent. If someone cannot access the net services or the weather is cloudy or maybe the user is in remote or rural area where no network is, then he or she won’t be able to get access of management information system.

So, these are a few limitations that a management information system has to over come in future. However, with having those limitations, yet it helps a lot to the organization, the down line employees and top level managers to take proper decisions for the well of the company.


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