Timing the Launch of Your New Product (By Luthando)

When you are getting ready to launch your new product timing can play an important part. In this article I am going to discuss the implications of timing your product launch to increase the number of sales.

The first thing to consider is where you are going to launch your product. This is important because depending on the platform that you use to launch a product, will depend what time you decide to launch it.

For example, if you decide to launch your product using a particular website platform such as a forum then your launch will be dependent on when the most people are most active on that forum. You will want to make sure that your launch reaches the biggest audience you can.

If you are using your own website to launch your product and you have a blog for example, then you would need to consider when your blog audience is most active and reading your blog. This might be dependent on if you send out a blog update to a subscriber list.

For example, if you send out your blog update every Saturday and that is when people visit your blog then it would make sense to launch your product on a Saturday because people are already expecting to receive your blog update.

If you are launching your product to your email subscriber list then you need to analyze when the most popular time is that people on your list tend to open your emails. You will probably find that on certain days the open rate of your email is less than on other days. Try to launch your product on the days that get the most email opens.

One of the great things about using an email campaign to launch your product is because you can get people ready for the launch. For example, you can build up a certain amount of anticipation about your product launch so that people are expecting it and looking out for it. This is especially effective if you offer a special discount to people who purchase very quickly.

Giving the timing of your product launch consideration is really about deciding when the most people will see your launch. It goes without saying that the more people who have visibility to your launch the more sales you will make. However, it is important to clarify that this is only the case if you know that your product is going to solve the particular problems that people who will see your launch want solved.

Source: www.askpaccosi.com

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