Naturally Remove Your Tonsil Stones Without Surgery (By Luthando)

Welcome. Tonsil stones is a very common problem, so don’t feel alone. I once had tonsil stones and I hated every minute of it. I did not know what it was at first so i researched it. I visited the doctor, which prescribed me some antibiotics. They did not work, only thing they did was reduce the aching in the back of my throat. After medications the last option that doctors tell you is to have your tonsils surgically removed. NOT TRUE.

Well I am going to tell you why you should not get your tonsils removed, as they play a major role in your body system. Best of all why you no longer need surgery to get rid of those awful tonsil stones. I did not want to have surgery, never have before and I did not plan to start. I didn’t have money laying around to pay for surgery, I could not afford it. Yes there are loans, but too much of a headache.

So what did I do? I did what you probably are doing now and I researched my stones learn a lot on the subject. Long story short I am sitting here stones free and I did not need surgery and neither do you. You can do it naturally just like I did. First lets learn what your tonsils are and why they are so important to have, then what you can do to get rid of tonsil stones naturally and never have to deal with them again.

Your tonsils are like glands made of fleshy tissue that contains lymphocytes, what are lymphocytes? They are cells that battle infections, viruses, and any other uninvited intruders.

They are like the gatekeepers right in the back of your throat, one on each side like nets trapping bacteria and viruses that pass through your throat.

They are part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is like your blood system, except instead of carrying blood it carries lymph fluid. This lymph fluid is like your blood, but it does not have any red blood cells like your blood does. Red blood cells are too big to be able to get through the walls of the capillaries. The rest of the components in your blood however, like vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are able to get by.

This is how your cells absorb vitamins, minerals, nutrients and everything else they need. Once the cells get what they need, they dump toxins, garbage and everything that they dont need into the lymph fluid.

When all the unwanted garbage is in the lymph fluid the white blood cells in the lymph fluid attack and neutralize bacteria, viruses and the other foreign unwanted cells.

The lymph fluid delivered the nutrients and has to dispose of all the garbage. Where does it go now? It goes through the lymphatic system. There are lymph nodes, all over the lymphatic system which are like filters full of millions of white blood cells that clean the lymph fluid of any unwanted debris. Your tonsils are lymph nodes. This way when the lymph fluid has to go back to your blood, it doesn’t carry all the viruses and bacteria and make you sick.

When you get sick you might feel pain or get a sore throat. This is because your tonsils or lymph nodes swell and rise in temperature to fight off bacteria and viruses faster.

Your tonsils are super important lymph nodes!

They filter a lot of lymph fluid every day. Any unwanted cell, bacteria, or viruses, who try to enter the body through the mouth, nose, eyes, or ears, will end up getting killed by the tonsils. Only if your tonsils are functioning as they should.

Bacteria can get to other parts in the body if the lymph nodes are weak. This is how cancer and other severe illnesses are spread, through the use of the lymph system!

Those who doesn’t get killed by the white blood cells in the lymph fluid will for sure get terminated when they enter the tonsils. The tonsils are the last watchers at the gate to the rest of your body. If any bacteria would get past here, disease and illness would spread to other areas of your body. This can happen if you have weak or no tonsils at all.

So what does this tell you? Its a terribly idea to remove your tonsils! Who will protect you from all the viruses and diseases? If you have been diagnosed with tonsil stones you don’t need to get them surgically removed to cure your tonsil stones. There are other ways to permanently cure them. Natural ways. Now to learn of the many natural ways to get rid of your tonsil stones,

First of lets understand our enemy by learning what these stones are. Your tonsils are filled with tiny small openings. Your tonsils swell up and become infected. This means that they are on high alert and are fighting bacteria and viruses. They may also be covered with white goo. This is the byproduct of dead cells, mucous, bacteria, and viruses that get deposited in these openings. They all get accumulated in all different spots in your tonsils. When all this trapped debris hardens and calcifies, is when you have tonsillitis or tonsil stones.

They are yellowish, white and look like stones. True to their name, these formations are not only physically hard, but they are also composed of minerals like phosphorous, calcium, and magnesium. In worst cases they are composed of ammonia residue and even carbonate material. Although these tonsil stones are not dangerous to human life, they can still cause major discomfort, especially if the tonsil stones become too big.

You will get ear and headaches all the time. Even though tonsil stones are nowhere near the ears, you will feel pain in your ears because there are shared nerve pathways.

It will be difficult to swallow food and drinks because your tonsils will be swollen. Always have sore throats from either the stone itself or the infection.

Worst of all tonsil stones smell awful so they will give you bad breath. One of the prime indicators of a tonsil stones that accompanies a tonsil infection. From the presence of the awful smelling compounds I mentioned earlier. Researchers found that 75% of people who had abnormally high concentrations of these compounds also had tonsil stones. Other researchers have suggested that tonsil stones be considered in situations when the cause of bad breath is in question.

Some of them can be visible in the back of your throat as a white solid stone. In other cases they are hidden behind the tonsils and only viewable through different scanning techniques.

How to get rid of stones naturally?
There is a combination of natural ways that you can adopt to your lifestyle to help you get rid of tonsil stones forever without the need of surgery. You need to learn what foods that you currently eat are helping promote the growth of your stones. What foods you need to start eating that help fight the growth of stones. You need to learn how to identify the problem ingredients in your food that are making your tonsil stones worse.

One way to try and get rid of your tonsil stones temporary is to get
1. 1. Cup of water
2. 2. Salt
3. 3. Aromatherapy elements

Aromatherapy elements are sea salts. These are specially blended with a unique combination of ingredients that can help in a myriad of ways. These sea salts that are rich in minerals and nutrients, epsom salt soothes sore muscles, sodium bicarbonate relieves itching, and honey powder as a moisturizer and bacteria inhibiters. Mixed all together, start gargling for as much as you can. This will help you relax your throat and help dislodge the stones.
Some people also wipe them out with a tooth brush or finger. But this method can be painful and unclean. A more effective way is to use a Q-tip or water pick. You can clean the tonsil stones after dipping cotton into the water and carefully wipe out its crypts. Water pick can also be used to rinse food jammed in your tonsils and teeth. I do not recommend this, I am simply giving you the options. There are painless ways you will learn. You dont want to be doing this =

You can also gargle with a liquid mouth wash Alkalol; which is a combination of salt and various natural scented extracts that will help clean out your tonsil stones.

Sprays and nasal drops have also made it easier to get rid of tonsil stones. These sprays help avoiding the painful sensation caused by the presence of tonsil stones. Nasal drops on the other hand are known to be a good option to treat tonsils as it is made up of post nasal drips. Such drops are also very effective in preventing the formation of future tonsil stones.

Make it your routine to use oxygenating mouth wash and toothpaste. They help kill the bacteria in the back of your tongue. You can get it from any medical store. Make sure to read the instructions carefully as you don’t need water or cleaning of tongue before brushing.

Try to brush your teeth after every meal
Something I really believe is real important is changes in your diet. Avoid using caffeine, sugar and sticky oily stuff as they can worse your tonsils. Reduce the amount of dairy intake and start drinking as much water as you can. Water can help clean out tonsil stones present at the back of your throat.

Tonsil stones are calcium deposits in your tonsilar cavity, so limit your intake of dairy foods.
Do not eat immediately before going to bed as food particles left in your mouth may get deposited in your tonsilar cavity.

Chewing on garlic cloves at night, before you go to sleep also helps in eliminating the stones and prevents them from coming back. This is because garlic is a natural antibiotic and has natural healing properties.

If you are able to dislodge your tonsil stones then maybe you should read on and learn to prevent them from coming back. You can find these diet plans online and can download them easily so that you can work on the prevention of your tonsil stones rather than the treatment. There are lots of dietary tips that I found that you can use to remove your stones and by eating specific foods you will be able to reduce the size of the stones and get rid of them altogether. You need to learn what foods help prevent tonsil stones and what foods provoke it. You tonsil stones may be the warning sign of another serious health condition so you need to act now. By doing the following you will learn to fix this condition and get rid of your tonsil stones at the same time. You need to focus on the root cause of tonsil stones – not the symptoms.


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