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Diferencia entre Total de ganancia y Saldo total ?

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Gracias por tu respuesta, pero como es posible que si yo no he extraido nunca no coincidan el balance con el saldo, es que no todo lo que se gana se puede extraer? como actualizar la cuenta, ya yo tengo nivel 19 y empeze hace muy poco, mira si es asi que recien extaje ayer por primera vez

Thanks for your answer, but how is it possible that if I have never withdrawn the balance does not match the balance,
 is it that not everything that is earned can be withdrawn? how to update the account, 
I already have level 19 and I started very recently, see if it is so, I just extracted it yesterday for the first time



Do you participate in Lottery and games like dice and coinflip in BTCBUNCH

yes in  dice y lottery too

Yah. You are spending tokens in lottery and dice. The balance decreases but in total earnings it will not decrease

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