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No puedo extraer

Jamas extraje en esta pagina, es mi primera vez, tengo mas 90k de token, voy a extraer a faucetpay y me dice QUE EXCEDO EL LIMITE DIARIO DE EXTRACIONES COMO ES POSIBLE???, excedo YO? excede la pagina, o excede la cripto que quiero sacarm no entiendo, por favor respuestas


 Have never extracted on this page, it is my first time, I have more than 90k token,
 I am going to extract to faucetpay and it tells me THAT I EXCEED THE DAILY LIMIT OF EXTRATIONS, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE???,
 do I exceed? exceeds the page, or exceeds the crypto that I want to get, I do not understand, please answers

Daily limit is 50,000 tokens or 50K tokens. If you enter more than the limit your withdrawal will not be processed.

Imagine that you withdrawed 20k tokens at first and then tring to withdraw 40k tokens, it will not be processed. You can only withdraw 30k at this time. As 20k + 30k tokens = 50k tokens

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Gracias por tu ayuda, valida tu explicacion has sido el unico que me  ha ayudado!!!