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Withdrawal impossible

Hello Pacosi or any moderator administrator I need help please I am trying to make a withdrawal for 5 days and it is impossible in 5 days in a row at any time it says the site does not have enough funds and the Payeer option does not work I continue working on the page and I already have 45 referrals. I need you to give me a solution to withdraw, it says the minimum to withdraw 10,000 coins, I put withdraw and it says there are no funds and if I put the maximum that I have it says the same in Payeer, you cannot make withdrawals, it does not work. IT CAN HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEM.

Thank you very much, administrator, I was able to make my withdrawal satisfactorily, the page is very good, it has a lot of potential, and with the proof of payment in hand, it is easier to attract referrals to the site so they can see that the site is legitimate and pays. Thank you so much .