Understanding Nagra 3 With Popular FTA Receivers (By Paccosi)

Nagra 3 is a form of encryption made by the Kudelski Group. This company is sub contracted by Dish network and Bell Express view for their smart cards for their paid subscription receivers. Nagra 3 is the third iteration of encryption and every 2 years they publish a new encryption. Nagra 3 is the last encryption under both current contracts and going forward in the future Dish network and Bell Express view has announced that they will make future encryption “in-house.” Nagravision is made simply to stop satellite pirates from getting free Television using satellite dishes and popular FTA Receivers such as Viewsat Ultra, Sonicview 4000 and a ton of others.

Many home consumers of FTA have noticed that all of their channels on EchoStar and BEV have gone completely dark and they are unable to get any channels on their television. Most people who have only been using FTA for a limited amount of time do not understand what is going on, and think there is another BIN file available that will fix their situation. Simply put, there is no stand alone BIN or Key file that will get all of your channels back to the way that they were. The only way people with FTA can get Television back is if they use a FTA receiver that has a dongle or IKS device.

IKS stands for Internet Key Sharing and is the latest way people with receivers can begin watching television right now. The current FTA Receivers supporting Dongles and IKS are; Nfusion Nuvenio HD, Nfusion Nova, Nfusion Solaris, Nfusion Phoenix, Sonicview 360 Elite, Sonicview 360 Premier, Sonicview 8000 HD, Neosat I-PRO 2000, Conaxsat Mini, DUO, TRIO, NANO, CaptiveWorks 4000,3000,800,700,650, 600 P and 600 S, also I-LINKS and KBOX with the KHUB. All of these FTA Receivers minus the Nfusion must have a dongle device.. People with are subscribed to Dish network or Bell Express view have received a new Smart Card during the last six months, if you do not have a smart card yet, and are a paid subscriber, please contact your local dealer.

By: www.askpaccosi.com

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