Is the Shopping Genie Legit? (By Luthando)

When I first took a look at the shopping genie over a year ago I was not impressed. Having been around the network marketing field for a some time I have learned that companies come and go and just because something is ground floor does not guarantee you to make money. The shopping genie at that time was not that old and was only affiliated with eBay and you could only make money when somebody bought something on eBay.

Recently I took another look at the company as there was quite a lot of buzz going on. I had heard that more affiliates were jumping on board and that the company added a few twist to the equation. You could actually earn click commissions when giving the application away. You can also co-brand your business or opportunity on top of the shopping genie.

Let me touch on the click commissions first. If you are familiar with how Google makes its fortune, they generate income from people placing their ads on the search engine. This is called pay per click advertising. As individuals search the internet and click on those adds, a set amount of money is billed to the add placer who then pays Google for that click. With the shopping genie, it works the same, way only you get paid for driving traffic to the website no matter if the person buys or not.

The nice thing about this is that you are driving that person to find the best deal on whatever they searched for on the internet so you are saving them money and you are making money every time they start comparing and clicking on links inside the Shopping Genie.

The second feature is the co-branding. This allows you to nail down front page status on every major search engine without huge pay per click advertising. Now if you go back to the previous paragraph, normally this would cost a small fortune to have this placement on a major search engine but because this application actually rides on top of the search engines, you pay nothing.

So after combing over this for quite some time, I can tell you that the Shopping Genie is not a scam. The company is now over 3 years old and is only getting better. They are adding the Macintosh and iPhone version of the application shortly so if you were thinking of joining, grab your position now. You don’t even have to be qualified to make money in this opportunity. You can simply give the Genie away and make money that way or you can work both angles and sign up other people who want to give the genies away themselves.

There is one thing that you need to be aware of when joining an opportunity like this.. You want to pick something with not a lot of competition and something that is unique. There are plenty of powders, pills, and juices out there but unless you want to have to sell something to make money and have hundreds of other companies and reps competing with you, then I would really consider something like the Shopping Genie.

There is not anything like this patented technology out there. Statistics show an increasing number of people searching the internet for items to buy, so that leaves me to believe that this is a stable company with some huge potential for individuals who take advantage of this opportunity. This is not your average network marketing company. Most have a pill or juice that you must by month after month to stay qualified and earn commissions. This only requires a one time license fee of $199 and a low $29 fee so you can keep giving out as many apps as you possibly can. I have been in a couple of networks and never seen one with this low a monthly payment and start up cost.

Please let me know if this review was helpful for you in determining whether or not the shopping genie was a scam. If you would like a Free shopping genie for you to try for yourself, see the link below.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you get involved with a supportive team when you join an business like this. The folks over at our team rocks were the most professional that I have seen and have all the right tools to get you and a your business up and running fast.


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