Tag: free money for students

Studying in a global university is an uphill task. With increasing admissions and other expenses, parents cannot guarantee the finance for their child’s higher education. Securing admission under this scenario requires money and time management too. The range of expenses include admission costs, hostel rent books and the tuition fee. Parents dream of a successful …

How Student Loans Are Workable for Higher Education (By Luthando) Read More »

Academic awards and scholarships are not just for the super intelligent and athletic anymore; now all you just have to be is left-handed and you qualify. If you have the right last name, characteristic, or niche interest, you could just cash in on a weird scholarship. Therefore, before you decide to give up on the …

5 Unusual and Downright Weird Scholarships (By Luthando) Read More »

The Federal Pell Grant is a great option if you are an undergraduate student that’s pursuing their degree at any of the 5,400 post-secondary institutions. The Pell Grant is an education grant and is for students that are in the low to moderate income class. It is meant to give students to opportunity to receive …

Federal Pell Grant (By Luthando) Read More »